CSX Transportation in Philadelphia, PA, manages the Philadelphia Subdivision, a key railroad line under its ownership and operation. The nearest intermodal terminal to CSX Transportation in Philadelphia, PA, is the CSX Philadelphia Intermodal Terminal, also known as Greenwich Yard. This terminal serves as a critical hub for intermodal freight in the Philadelphia area, facilitating efficient transportation and logistics solutions.
Address: 3400 S. Christopher Columbus Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19148
Website: https://www.csxintermodalterminals.com/index.cfm/terminals/terminal-detail/?terminal_id=44&Core=true
Phone: 215-218-3355
Firms Code: B326
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 0500-1800 / Saturday-Sunday: 0500-1200
Lift Hours: Monday-Friday: 0800-1500 / Saturday-Sunday: 0800-1200