Facility Overview
The Barbours Cut Container Terminal houses 27 neo-Panamax ship-to-shore cranes and 116 Gantry cranes, serving six vessel berths. Total yard space is 230 acres with 14,000 TEU total storage capacity. According to MarineTraffic.com, 93% of cargo moving through Barbers Cut is container, with small amounts of breakbulk and liquids. Average vessel turnaround time is 1.7 days.
Address: 1515 E. Barbours Cut Boulevard La Porte, TX 77571
Quick Links
- Gate Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
with the in-gate closing at 6:00 p.m
Sat – Sun: Closed - Ops Telephone: 281-471-9630
- Vessel Schedule Link
- Rail Schedule: N/A
- Operator: Port Houston
- Crane Camera
- Container Availability System
- Facility Map
- FIRMS Code: S787
- Port Code: ????
- Entrance Requirements
- Individual: Truck Drivers are required to present a valid TWIC at entry points into the secure/restricted areas of Port Houston’s facilities. Drivers also must have an UIIA approved Standard Carrier
Alpha Code (SCAC) - Vehicles: All truck license plate registered in Lynx, and have a valid gate transaction before entry can be granted.
- Individual: Truck Drivers are required to present a valid TWIC at entry points into the secure/restricted areas of Port Houston’s facilities. Drivers also must have an UIIA approved Standard Carrier
FDA Facility: Houston Resident Port
1445 N Loop West, STE 500, Houston, TX 77008
Tel: 833-710-1049
Fax 713-293-1446
Hours: 0800-1630 MT Mon-Fri